Sunday 20 December 2015


The person who does not know who they really are becomes faceless.

What does that mean? It means they don’t  have a 'face' because  they don’t  know who they.

People look to others to tell them who they are however, the face still doesn't appear because that is not the real you.

Most of the time, people live their lives in a way that turns them into this faceless person because we look to others to find out who we truly are. That person is the person you think they think you are… Not the REAL YOU!

As a result of this we become just another face in the crowd. Another faceless being, in a forest of faceless people.

I want to tell you that are not just another face in the crowd? If only you could see it.

The only time you can define yourself and claim that person who you really are is to connect with yourself.

What is it you really want? Who do you really want to be? What do you need to be that?

What would you do with your life if money was not the issue? Or education or anything else you perceive is holding you back. If the fairy godmother gave you that wish what would it be?

Answering the questions truthfully you may notice a little smile develop as the idea resonates with you.

The faceless persona that used to be there is replaced with someone real and that someone has a huge smile.

Let that smile radiate from you and you will no longer be just another face in the crowd. You will be ‘SOMEBODY’

So, today say to yourself “I love and accept myself with all my heart and soul”.

Be that SOMEBODY you know you can be if you only believe.

Best Wishes to everyone in this festive season. May God be with you and Peace in 2016.


Sunday 13 December 2015


Richard Branson once said that if your dream doesn’t scare you then your dream is not big enough.

Well, everyone dreams. I doubt there is anyone who has never had a dream of some sort.

The problem is however most people just dream small because of what they see in their situation as being ‘Realistic Expectation’ It’s not that they don’t dream just that they have missed the point to the dream. DREAM BIG!

When you were a kid you probably went around saying you were going to be a Fireman or Astronaut when you grow up of a Movie Star or the Prime Minister or President. The fact is as a child you were not afraid to dream. Your imagination was immense, that is, until the grown-ups pulled you back down to earth.

You see, the adults put the limitation on your dreams by telling you to be realistic, that people from where you come from don’t get to be Footballers or MP’s or even Movie Producers. They become Secretaries or work in a Bank or Supermarket.

It’s only the kids who come from a background of privilege who believe they can be anything. They get taught to believe they are better than you or me. Nothing wrong with the mindset if it is applied to everyone, but it can do.

Often we think about what others think of us and let that dictate our future. Peer pressure or social dogma.
However, it does not have to be that way. You have the ability to think freely and make your own decisions. 

What is it you really want?

What is your DREAM?

Put yourself first before letting someone else steal you dream by putting you down. Nothing is out of bounds if you believe you can have it.

Life is like a painting canvas, you can make of it what you will. Why not draw what it is you want rather than let someone else tell you what should be on the canvass?

So, as we approach Christmas ask yourself if you could have anything what is it that you really want? What would that be?

If you open your heart and mind to possibility you’ll begin to realize that you are capable of so much more.

Decide today to become a POSSIBILITARIAN…Because anything and everything is possible.


Thursday 5 November 2015


You want this and that. You want success, your own business or to be an actor or musician or perhaps a doctor or aspire to be a Millionaire.

You try visulisation techniques and have experimented with the laws of attraction etc… Still what you seek has eluded you and you wonder what it is that you are doing wrong.

I heard a really cool song the other day that got me thinking about stuff and why it is that the things we say we really want have not come to fruition yet.
The song is by the singer Courtney Barnett and it’s called – ‘Nobody really cares if you don’t go to the party’.
This song got me thinking about life and all the ups and downs and struggles we go through in our journey’s to what it is that we want.
This is exactly what life is like. The Universe does not care what you do, whether you do it well, indifferent or badly. The rules are quite simple really. Perhaps too simple that’s why we don’t follow them because it can’t be a simple formula right? 

The Universe doesn’t really care if you don’t come to its party (metaphorically speaking of course). In fact, there are so many people at the party in this Universe that you wouldn’t be missed. Life goes on around us for each and every individual all forging ahead and fighting battles to succeed. All pushing out their dreams about this or dreams and desires about that. So, it’s okay not to join in if you don’t want anything to change.
But here is the thing in life.. .

You want to go to the party really, don’t you? Otherwise why do you have the dreams you have and desires and yearnings to be something else. However, most of us end up settling for something else because we don’t really believe we can have what we want. Those things happen to others, the ones that are lucky right? Blessed? 

Secretly though you want to join in on the fun and ride the wave and why not indeed. If only you knew what the secret was.

But here is the thing we need to understand; the party or Universe is not going to coming to you.  It is not just going to drop into your lap without any effort on your part…you have to go to it? That’s right you have to put some effort into making things happen and take some action to get things moving. The inertia is frightening too as the harder you try the more the Universe seems to fight back against you.
So many people think that the success will just come chapping on their door. That it is just luck that it happens at all and if it is meant to be then surely it would have happened by now.
I’m afraid the Universe doesn’t work that way unfortunately. You have to work at whatever it is you really want and take action. You have to find out where this party in the Universe is at and go kick the bloody door in and get in there amongst it to get some of that bounty. Yes, without taking action just dreaming about things is not going to make it happen.
There is another line in the song by Courtney Barnett: “I wanna go out, but I wanna stay home”
Well, with that kind of indecision what do you think is going to happen with your dream?
You can’t have it both ways. Action is the first step and no journey was ever completed without the first step being taken.

You either get active and busy and join the party…or stay at home and watch other people do the thing you would like to do…or let others steal your dream. I’m not even sure which is worse?
The Universe is waiting for you to make your mind up. Are you coming?
Doesn’t matter if you don’t but without taking that step I guarantee nothing will change until you do!

Join the Party and follow that dream…

Monday 12 October 2015


Who in the world loves mistakes?

We all strive for perfection and wear it almost like a badge to show our standards.

But then again who can stand perfectionists?
Who is perfect?

There would be an element of boring and predictability if we were perfect don’t you think? Anyway, how long does it take for those perect people to ever actually do anything if perfection is the goal? Because perfect does not exist

This is the lie we have all been fed since being kids (practice makes perfect). Everyone from teachers to employers tell us it must be perfect. Even your spouse will tell you that you must be a perfect person or they will be unhappy.

Well, consider this. Is the Mona Lisa or the Space Shuttle perfect?

Some might argue yes until they look closely at the painters brush strokes under a microscope or see the engineering flaws or compromise taken. In the case of the painting is it not the imperfection that give the painting character?

The painting is a conundrum, a mystery. Is it male or female? Is there a hidden message? But is it the perfect woman?

It’s imperfections that make things different and unique and make it stand out from the crowd.
Great people make mistakes all the time. However, each mistake is an opportunity to see things from a different perspective or angle. An opportunity to make changes for the better in our endeavours.
Think of the inventor who ran out of time or money and had to become creative or improvise to get an end result. Does that mean it was perfect? Of course not. Great inventions are being improved upon daily.

You know what? Some of the greatest inventions in history have been mistakes. Penicillin for one…

So, who do you know who is perfect or ever was perfect in the past? (Excepting Jesus…)

Nope…Didn’t think so

However, those brave enough to allow their flaws and imperfections to be seen and judged is what makes them great and gets our respect.

Well, in that case why not just go for doing your utmost best warts and all and embrace your imperfections and mistakes. You are a gold mine of ideas and inspiration if you just allow yourself that space.

Think about that and make a start…


Thursday 1 October 2015

What Do You Project Outwards to the World?

Have you ever given it any thought about all the issues that crop up in your life? Where do they all actually come from? Why did that angry man shout at you this morning or that woman let the door slam in your face without provocation?

Consider what it is you are actually Projecting on the world. That’s right, you!
Without knowing it we actually project all kinds of things on each other. Issues or beliefs that, affect the lives of each and every one of us in some way. Just look at religion as one example.
Most people do this without giving it a second thought and the scary thing is they don’t even know that they are doing it.

Most people in the world it would be fair to say have no idea of ‘who or what’ they actually are or why they do the things they do. They blame everything on external forces and never take a look at themselves as being a possibility to their reality. They are blind to their inner self.
There will be many reading this who will proclaim its rubbish what I’ve just said and they know exactly who they are and why things happen.

Do they really? Have they actually spent any time understanding how we are programmed by society, the news, other people, teachers etc…? Do they ever stop to consider where their views were formed and how they think as they do? Is it really free thought that has led them to where they are today?
My view is we don’t really have a clue about the psychology of what influences us in this world we live in. How prejudice is born, racism, arrogance…

Well, stop now for a moment and consider what it is you are now projecting on the world. Maybe you are embroiled in the fears of immigration or perhaps are one of those with your arms open to it. Both are different projections that will be viewed in one way by some and another by others. But what is it they see? Your life will be fearful or peaceful depending on how you see it. Your life! Not someone else unless they see it as you do.
Any negatives we see are actually the negatives in us. A side of us that we fear or dislike and that we are trying to hide from it by blaming others for it. So it gets projected onto others
Basically, what we don’t like in ourselves is what we see in others. Now think about the ramifications of that. A lot of what you think of others is actually your own projection. It has nothing to do with reality it is more to do with what is inside of you as a person.

Now that you know that, you have a better understanding now of human psychology than the average person on the street. So now you can begin to see why things are the way they are in your life.
If you project anger out then anger and angry situations is what you will get back. Try an experiment and go into a shop and snap an angry word to the shop assistant. Even if they are trained to be polite you will see how rubbing them up the wrong way changes everything. They become defensive rather than helpful at best. It’s only human nature when someone attacks you to respond. However, if you can see that it has nothing to do with you the other person’s behavior but them. You are a good person and did nothing wrong so why would they attack you? The anger is theirs. If you get riled and act with anger guess what…It will come back right at you. Instead, brush it off and don’t let it spoil your day. The other person’s anger will go on somewhere else but for you it does not have to be that way.

So, be careful what you project onto the world and see the difference it makes in your life. Project out what it is you would like back and you will see things begin to change.
