Sunday 17 July 2016


How many times have you been told you should be satisfied with what you have?

In schools, churches, homes all over the place people tell us this because there are people less fortunate than us.

Well, that's true there are always people less fortunate than us and we should be grateful for what we have and happy. However satisfaction is something else. It's not wrong to be dissatisfied it is  a normal state.

Dissatisfaction urges us to be more creative and to grow. It is the force that has you reaching that bit further to improve our lives. Otherwise why do we get out of bed another day?

Sportsmen and women are continually striving to be better. Artists strive to paint more, Musicians strive to make more hit songs.

Of course the high earners want to earn more but it's not all just about money and the acquisition of it. It really is all about growth and being the best you can be.

Obtaining things is all fine but your goals should see you grow and become alive as God/The Universe or whatever name you want to put on it intended.

We were meant to be the best we can be without violating the rights of others.

Think on that....

A great book to read that I recently purchased was by Bob Proctor called 'The Art of Living' well worth a read and talks about just this sort of things.

We are spiritual beings in a physical body and we tend to ignore that.


Sunday 29 May 2016


How do you know what is the right kind of work for you? How do you know what is your passion?

They say something like 95% of kids believe they can be anything they want yet by the time they reach adulthood that drops to about 5%. We become sensible and defensive and lose our sense of imagination. We leave our dreams and trade it all in for the safety of a wage and security losing our sense of adventure and excitement in the process.

Imagination or the lack of it is the root of our problem. The future is not there waiting yet it is a seed that is deep in our hearts waiting to burst out and grow and become the dream you visioned.

We usually base our decisions on the past with what we hold in the memory banks. You know the things that did not work out or went wrong because of this or that and how bad, stupid or silly did it make us feel? We retreat to safety saying never again thinking we have learned a lesson and lick out wounds.

However, if we let that or other people determine what our life should be about out futures become what they think or the other situation dictates and goes from our grasp. We need to get back to the child in us to that magical imagination where all invention and dreams evolve into a wonderland of possibility.

The abundance of the imagination is unlimited in ideas and possibility. Lose the old programs and old patterns. Imagination comes from your soul and should be cherished. It is not mere fantasy as that is just another way of hiding from your soul purpose. Just think of the likes of Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King. They both had a dream inspiring others to create a future better for all.

You have a choice! Have you ever felt your soul is dying inside? You could be 40 now and you are dead but you might not be buried until you are 90. What a thought eh?

You can earn money for your passion. You just need to realise what that is. Eleanor Roosevelt said if you do things with passion the money will follow or words to that effect.

At some stage a calling inside us tells us we are heading in the wrong direction. We need to find that true direction, our soul purpose. Creativity is what it's all about. Being creative means you are growing and when you are growing you always feel afraid. That's a fact, it does not go away.

I've just been reading a book 'Feel the fear and do it anyway'. This has really shown me that the fear is always there but it is how we deal with it that matters. Either from a position of power or a position of fear depending on how we view the world. So start being positive with your outlook instead of giving your internal power away to somebody or some situation.

What excites you and gives you passion? Your talents are bursting to get out but have been hidden to you for so long. If you do not recognise them you will feel frustration and resentment at life and perhaps even depression.

Let them out and discover what it is you need to do in life to feel fulfilled. Let the creative juices flow and get back to the child in you and let that imagination show the possibility out there.

Then like NIKE says 'Just do it'

You have to believe you have gifts and if you have a feeling you cannot ignore them any longer. Let your soul open wide and share with the world in love and spirit.

One of our subscribers found passion in art so we included a picture. Here's to the journey....


Thursday 28 April 2016


I'm sitting in my girlfriends study and noticed a card she has stuck to the wall. It is something from the bible, not that we are both overly religious but it does capture what the modern thinking is now about the universe and its infinite supply.

Mark: 11:24

"Therefore I tell you, Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and It will be yours"

Powerful words for the source of supply but what do you know about prayer? Getting down on your knees and begging god for this or that?

Well, movement between spirit and form through us can be described as prayer. We can create our physical world by tapping into a non physical infinite supply. All you have to believe is that the source is there and not worry about where your desire is coming from just that it will come. You can call that source god or infinite intelligence, universe or anything you want. All we really need to understand is that we need to raise our vibration to become one with it and then magic can happen.

Every religion in the world seems to believe that there is this one universal power. Really it is one with working with the laws of the universe. A future based on your belief it's coming if you are in harmony with it.

I find quotes in the bible very interesting when looking at this sort of thing. Maybe the mysteries are all in there and reveal to us an understanding of the universe. I'm not schooled in religions and maybe the whole truth is not in religious books which is why man finds it so hard to believe in the universal power of infinite supply.

Everything in your world is an expression of spirit. If you can accept that everything operates by universal laws and nothing happens by accident in what appears to be an orderly universe then what you plant in your mind brings forth results in your life. So positive thoughts and negative thoughts operate in equal effect so it really is up to us to get in harmony with the right thoughts to bring what we truly want in our lives.

Form the habit of positive thinking regardless of what is happening in your world today if you want to attract to you better things and put those negative thoughts in the trash.

One good way to do that is to get yourself some good books. My favourites are Bob Proctor or Tony Robins at the moment but there are so many out there. Give yourself just 30 minutes a day and you'll see your outlook begin to change.


Thursday 7 April 2016


Leaders listen to what is said and talk very little. Not only do they hear what the other person is saying they process it and understand the meaning of what is said before they ever respond.

Commit to listen to everything that is said before you comment. That means not only hearing but listen to the other person. Not many of us really do that because most people talk too much but in reality actually saying very little.

Leaders have many traits but this may be one of the most important aspects that set’s a good leader apart.  They have the ability to listen to others views without interruption, something which has great value if we put it into practice in life. That is a phenomenal attribute to have as it has to be said most of us actually ‘butt-in’ before the other person has finished which is not only rude but it falls short when making decisions if we have not listened to all the facts first.

We have two ears and two eyes but only one tongue. Perhaps the great design was to point out to us the importance of listening. We should hear and see twice as much as we actually speak about.

How many of you have a wife or husband who complains that you don’t listen to them?

Listening is actually a skill to be acquired.

Try the next time when you are with something and not actually say anything until you have heard everything that the other person is saying before you comment. Listen, really listen to what they are saying and take it all in before you let your thoughts kick in for a response.

You’ll find that people actually appreciate that you allowed them to complete what it was they wanted to say. It shows that you value them and their input to whatever the issue is. By becoming a better listener you will become a better leader. It will greatly assist your decision making capability too.

Your colleagues and friends will be happier for it and respect you more.

Leaders lead they don’t bully. They listen before they make a decision.

Be that Leader Today!


Saturday 2 April 2016


I was listening to some recordings of the legendary Bob Proctor and he says if you can dedicate a few minutes a day consistently to study then that will help you towards your goals.
In truth you can become successful in a second. That’s right! When you decide where you are going and where you find yourself now. Once you know that you will be successful.
Today let’s talk about the concept of the universal laws of life. You see there are a set of natural laws that govern all of us in life and if you can get your head around that you can begin to study these laws. Well today let’s talk about receiving because some people are not good about receiving at all. They become embarrassed or even offhand. Are you ready to receive everything you desire?
You know even when looking at the Bible (Luke 6.38) Paul says ‘Give and it shall be given to you in good measure running over’. So, giving and receiving go together, something that a lot of people seem to get confused with.
There are certain laws that apply to us. Whether you want to call it from the Universe or the omnipotent god there are certain laws that are in effect.
Leyland Val Van de Wall was a mentor to Bob Proctor who is one of the great leaders in personal development and he told him that we must be willing to give and graciously receive. If we understand this law we can tap into the supply of the universe which is infinite. There are no limitations or lack and we need to dispense with that kind of thinking. That way we can tap into this law and receive more than we need.
If we can give over our service and receive with gratitude (which is another law we neglect but need to understand) we can have anything we want. Thought is the most powerful tool if we can get it right and live by the universal laws.
Man is the highest form of creation on the planet because we can create the world we want by our own thoughts. Let’s face it we can make a heaven out of hell or a hell out of heaver depending on the way we look at things. A friend of mine Drew Ryder always says to me ‘If you change the way you look at things the things you look at change’ which certainly demonstrates that if we get it right our world changes around us.
So, are you ready to receive? You can have everything but you have to be ready to receive it with gratitude. Learn to Give and Graciously Receive.
Ponder on that

Sunday 27 March 2016

In making tough decisions, you don’t have to get everything right.

A great Piece from the Legendary Tony Robbins

Most people are anemic when it comes to decision-making. They get paralyzed by fear or lack of certainty – or they just get overwhelmed and don’t know where to start.

Leaders make the decisions that no one else can – or will – make. But the best ones use a system to ensure they are choosing the best possible option and reducing any potential downside.
I remember one time I was talking to General Schwartzkopf about mentors that have shaped our beliefs about life and decision-making. He spoke of one of the generals that he had worked for, before he was the “Stormin’ Norman” we know him as today. He recalled a situation in which the man was asked to make a decision that had been stagnant for almost 10 years. The general just looked at them and he said, “The answer is obvious, gentlemen.” And then he gave them the answer. He said, “That’s our decision. Move on it.”

After they left, Schwartzkopf went up to the general and said, “Permission to speak freely?” He replied, “Certainly.” He said, “General, I know you don’t have a clue what those guys were even talking about.”

The general smiled at him and he said, “You’re right. I didn’t understand all of it.” And he said, “But you know what? This has been a decision that no one’s been willing to make for 10 years.” He said, “For 10 years they’ve talked about it, going back and forth. The best minds have been on it, and they can’t decide one way or the other, so you know what? We need to pick one and do it. So I just did. Because I believe that now all the best people are going to go to work on it, and they’ll either make it work or they won’t. They’ll see it’s not working, and we’ll change directions, and we’ll do what’s right, but what’s happened right now is a logjam of nothingness. Decisions are power, and I’m here to make them. That’s what I’m in position for. That’s what I’m a leader for.”

Think about it. Trying to be perfect when it comes to decision-making is insane. You’ve got to stop being fearful; you’ve got to stop worrying about failure. The only failure is failing to decide, putting off what inevitably you know you need to do.

When I make tough decisions, I use a six-step process that not only helps me make the best possible decision, but also reduces the downside of any decision, because we all know that decisions have power.

The system is called OOC/EMR. I should mention that all of this should be done on paper so you don’t get stuck “looping” through potential scenarios.
Here’s how to use it:

Get clear on your outcomes.
What is the result you are after? Why do you want to achieve it? You must be clear about your outcome(s) and its (their) order of importance to you. Remember, reasons come first, answers come second.
Know your options.
Write down all of your options, including those that initially may sound far fetched. Remember this principle: One option is no choice. Two options is a dilemma. Three options is a choice. Write down ALL options whether you like them or not.
What are the consequences?
What are the upsides and downsides of each option? What do you gain by each option and what would it cost you?
Evaluate your options.
Review each of their upsides and downsides (consequences). Ask yourself:
  1. What outcomes are affected?
  2. How important (on a scale of 0-10) is each upside/downside in terms of meeting your outcomes?
  3. What is the probability (0-100%) that the upside/downside will occur?
  4. What is the emotional benefit or consequence if this option were to actually happen?
After completing this stage, you will be able to eliminate some options from your list.
Mitigate the damage.
Review the downside consequences for each of your remaining options. Then, brainstorm alternative ways to eliminate or reduce those downsides.
Based on the most probable consequences, select the option that provides the greatest certainty that you will meet your desired outcomes and needs.
  1. Select your best option and strengthen your resolve to make it work.
  2. Resolve that, no matter what happens, this option will give you a win.
  3. Design your plan for implementation and then take massive action.
Remember, it’s better to make a decision and monitor to see if you need to shift your approach than to remain paralyzed in indecision.

Do you know the 4 rules to effective decision-making?  

Tony Robbins is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, philanthropist and a life and business strategist. For more than 38 years, he has consulted and coached some of the world’s finest athletes, entertainers, Fortune 500 CEOs, and even presidents of nations.

Friday 8 January 2016

Have you ever thought about what it is that we really are? A human being isn’t just his or her physical body.

There are a number of aspects to us to the essence of who and exactly what we are. Consider the  physical, mental, emotional and spiritual component that make up the human being.

However, all those things that make up a person probably the one that gets ignored the most is probably our spiritual side.

The most neglected area of in life these days can be argued is our spirit self.

A person who is spiritually strong has very strong set of values and is a balanced person at peace. Able to live and endure the strains of life, inspire others with their morals and live a life of purpose.

A person who is ‘spirit filled’ believes in living life to the full, a life that extends well beyond their present one and its limitations.

We’re not asking you to change any belief you have, whether it be belief in heaven or reincarnation, but rather that a person who has an eternal perspective of life in mind is less likely to squander their present one with the frivolities that may lead to self-destruction or limit your potential as a human being.

Spiritual people construct lives that impact generations, make changes to the world and people around them and live each day nurturing themselves, their soul with kindness and are at peace with themselves and the world at large.

Ask yourself in 2016 What ways can you enrich your spirit?

Let’s be kind to one another and live better lives.

Happy New Year