Sunday, 29 May 2016


How do you know what is the right kind of work for you? How do you know what is your passion?

They say something like 95% of kids believe they can be anything they want yet by the time they reach adulthood that drops to about 5%. We become sensible and defensive and lose our sense of imagination. We leave our dreams and trade it all in for the safety of a wage and security losing our sense of adventure and excitement in the process.

Imagination or the lack of it is the root of our problem. The future is not there waiting yet it is a seed that is deep in our hearts waiting to burst out and grow and become the dream you visioned.

We usually base our decisions on the past with what we hold in the memory banks. You know the things that did not work out or went wrong because of this or that and how bad, stupid or silly did it make us feel? We retreat to safety saying never again thinking we have learned a lesson and lick out wounds.

However, if we let that or other people determine what our life should be about out futures become what they think or the other situation dictates and goes from our grasp. We need to get back to the child in us to that magical imagination where all invention and dreams evolve into a wonderland of possibility.

The abundance of the imagination is unlimited in ideas and possibility. Lose the old programs and old patterns. Imagination comes from your soul and should be cherished. It is not mere fantasy as that is just another way of hiding from your soul purpose. Just think of the likes of Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King. They both had a dream inspiring others to create a future better for all.

You have a choice! Have you ever felt your soul is dying inside? You could be 40 now and you are dead but you might not be buried until you are 90. What a thought eh?

You can earn money for your passion. You just need to realise what that is. Eleanor Roosevelt said if you do things with passion the money will follow or words to that effect.

At some stage a calling inside us tells us we are heading in the wrong direction. We need to find that true direction, our soul purpose. Creativity is what it's all about. Being creative means you are growing and when you are growing you always feel afraid. That's a fact, it does not go away.

I've just been reading a book 'Feel the fear and do it anyway'. This has really shown me that the fear is always there but it is how we deal with it that matters. Either from a position of power or a position of fear depending on how we view the world. So start being positive with your outlook instead of giving your internal power away to somebody or some situation.

What excites you and gives you passion? Your talents are bursting to get out but have been hidden to you for so long. If you do not recognise them you will feel frustration and resentment at life and perhaps even depression.

Let them out and discover what it is you need to do in life to feel fulfilled. Let the creative juices flow and get back to the child in you and let that imagination show the possibility out there.

Then like NIKE says 'Just do it'

You have to believe you have gifts and if you have a feeling you cannot ignore them any longer. Let your soul open wide and share with the world in love and spirit.

One of our subscribers found passion in art so we included a picture. Here's to the journey....


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