Sunday, 20 December 2015


The person who does not know who they really are becomes faceless.

What does that mean? It means they don’t  have a 'face' because  they don’t  know who they.

People look to others to tell them who they are however, the face still doesn't appear because that is not the real you.

Most of the time, people live their lives in a way that turns them into this faceless person because we look to others to find out who we truly are. That person is the person you think they think you are… Not the REAL YOU!

As a result of this we become just another face in the crowd. Another faceless being, in a forest of faceless people.

I want to tell you that are not just another face in the crowd? If only you could see it.

The only time you can define yourself and claim that person who you really are is to connect with yourself.

What is it you really want? Who do you really want to be? What do you need to be that?

What would you do with your life if money was not the issue? Or education or anything else you perceive is holding you back. If the fairy godmother gave you that wish what would it be?

Answering the questions truthfully you may notice a little smile develop as the idea resonates with you.

The faceless persona that used to be there is replaced with someone real and that someone has a huge smile.

Let that smile radiate from you and you will no longer be just another face in the crowd. You will be ‘SOMEBODY’

So, today say to yourself “I love and accept myself with all my heart and soul”.

Be that SOMEBODY you know you can be if you only believe.

Best Wishes to everyone in this festive season. May God be with you and Peace in 2016.


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