Sunday, 13 December 2015


Richard Branson once said that if your dream doesn’t scare you then your dream is not big enough.

Well, everyone dreams. I doubt there is anyone who has never had a dream of some sort.

The problem is however most people just dream small because of what they see in their situation as being ‘Realistic Expectation’ It’s not that they don’t dream just that they have missed the point to the dream. DREAM BIG!

When you were a kid you probably went around saying you were going to be a Fireman or Astronaut when you grow up of a Movie Star or the Prime Minister or President. The fact is as a child you were not afraid to dream. Your imagination was immense, that is, until the grown-ups pulled you back down to earth.

You see, the adults put the limitation on your dreams by telling you to be realistic, that people from where you come from don’t get to be Footballers or MP’s or even Movie Producers. They become Secretaries or work in a Bank or Supermarket.

It’s only the kids who come from a background of privilege who believe they can be anything. They get taught to believe they are better than you or me. Nothing wrong with the mindset if it is applied to everyone, but it can do.

Often we think about what others think of us and let that dictate our future. Peer pressure or social dogma.
However, it does not have to be that way. You have the ability to think freely and make your own decisions. 

What is it you really want?

What is your DREAM?

Put yourself first before letting someone else steal you dream by putting you down. Nothing is out of bounds if you believe you can have it.

Life is like a painting canvas, you can make of it what you will. Why not draw what it is you want rather than let someone else tell you what should be on the canvass?

So, as we approach Christmas ask yourself if you could have anything what is it that you really want? What would that be?

If you open your heart and mind to possibility you’ll begin to realize that you are capable of so much more.

Decide today to become a POSSIBILITARIAN…Because anything and everything is possible.


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