Many people go through life unable
to express their innermost feelings in words. On top of that, many people are
shy and fearful, which causes them to be unable to express the right words at
the right moments when the will mean the most.
Words are very powerful, especially
when they are spoken at just the right moment. Many go through life totally
oblivious to the fact that they could accomplish many of their goals just by
using the right words. But the truth is all that's needed is to use them in the
right way.
Consider this, words spoken in anger
and carelessness can cause someone to be traumatized, which can permanently
affect them for a lifetime. On the other hand, encouraging words and
compliments given to someone can boost that person's confidence and give them
the stamina to face life's difficulties for years to come.
Most assuredly, words can be very
influential, and that's why you can use them to improve your own self-esteem as
well as the overall quality of your life.
Boosting your self-confidence with
words aren't those that come from other people. Write these words down and
speak them to yourself. They are referred to as "affirmations." They
are easy to create and simple to use, but they can be most effective in raising
your self-confidence.
To start out with, zero in on the
areas of your life that you're not quite satisfied with and you feel like they
need to be improved. For example, if you're not happy with certain things about
your looks, then focus on something that you ARE pleased with. Perhaps you feel
like a bit of weight loss would help you, but you have a very attractive face.
Focus on that fabulous smile.
Now, put yourself into a routine,
every morning when you get up and every night when you go to bed, take time to
look at yourself in the mirror and say something like, "I have a beautiful
smile and this smile is what everyone is going to see when they look at me. My
fabulous smile is going to attract the people I want in my life." Of
course, making it more personal might help more.
Affirmations are essential to help
you at remembering that there ARE some very appealing qualities about you and
that they are the ones you need to draw attention to. When you're confident
about something and can make use of that confidence, you'll find that people
will suddenly WANT to be around you because you illuminate such great vibes. In
other words, it will draw their focus away from the fact that you are carrying
around a few extra pounds. People flock to those who flash a great smile and
radiate an open-hearted personality.
There are great looking guys that
have intimate relationships with women that are less than a desirable 10, but
yet their lack of first-rate beauty hasn't stopped them. They've found a way to
bring out their inner beauty. You can do the same. All you need to do is a
little psychological reinforcing. Write down all the affirmations that relate
to what you want to accomplish. Recite them as often as you need.
The more positive energy that you
put out the more will return to you, before long that gorgeous smile will be
the only thing you'll be aware of and those extra pounds will be in the back of
your mind, where you can get to it later. This approach can work the same way
with anything that you want to change about yourself.
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