Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Striving for Perfection?

People strive for perfection and worry what others think of them. The stress of being less than perfect can take its toll at work if you let it. Have you seen the movie Fight Club?

In the movie the character Tyler Durden says something like ‘’ F**k off with your sofa units and strine green stripe patterns, I say never be complete, I say stop being perfect, I say lets evolve, let the chips fall where they may. ‘’

  You got to love that Tyler. He certainly tells some home truths in that film on how life really is.

Here is the thing you see. There is an epidemic that seems to have spread across the world from top to bottom and side to side
It’s called – 'trying-to-be-perfect'.

We have been conditioned to think that our are lives are not perfect unless we have all the perfect things like the perfect partner, apartment, body, clothes, car, the perfect deodorant, the perfect coffee machine… etc. The list goes on and on.

This also affects the way we work and our daily lives. STOP Trying to be perfect. Some try to be the perfect boss, the perfect engineer, secretary,  the perfect behavior and performance ….etc. Striving to be better or the best is one thing but when the obsession to be perfect takes over it puts undue pressure on you to live up to an impossible ideal. Be the best you can be yes, but perfect? You'll never get there as it does not exist.

Stop trying to be perfect!

People are not perfect, there is no such thing. That’s what makes people and life interesting.

A little chaos, unpredictability and surprise in your work will always stimulate you if you can learn to live with it and all your imperfections.

As the character Tyler says in Fight Club, ‘let the chips fall where they may.’

  Aim for making your work outstanding, rather than perfect. Outstanding work isn’t perfect but it is real and genuine. You will find your work life improves and even your personal life once you let go of the impossible dream and just be the best you can be. You are unique and impressive as you are.

Rick D 

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