Monday, 18 May 2015

4 Secrets that ALL Successful Spiritual Money Makers Know

I was recently asked, 'Can you be spiritual AND rich?'


 I know many people don't think that spirituality and money mix well, and some even hold a limiting belief that money is evil...


 But I'm here to tell you that I truly believe you can be spiritual AND rich. The two aren't mutually exclusive. In fact, it's quite the opposite.


 Let me explain... When we're in touch with the limitless abundance that the universe has to offer, manifesting wealth and prosperity comes naturally and allows us to have a greater level of freedom to do what we're passionate about.


 You see, when you have more money, you have more opportunities to increase prosperity - not just for yourself and immediate family, but also for everyone in your community and perhaps even the entire world... which is of course a very spiritual thing!


 If you're ready to discover how you can harmoniously mix money and spirituality into a hearty soup of happiness, follow these 4 secret steps that all 'Spiritual Money Makers' know, so that you can fast track your way to wealth and prosperity:


Step 1. "KNOW" It 


 Spiritual Money Makers fully "know" that they can create whatever they desire. They don't just believe it, they KNOW it!


 So for example, if it's wealth you're trying to manifest, instead of dwelling on what you don't have, focus on what you do have and what you will have. Visualize all of the great things you're going to do when the wealth you desire does appear in your life... give to charities, better your life and the lives of those around you etc.


 Your life will follow the path that your mind chooses. So decide what you want your life to look like, then...


Step 2. "ACT" Like It 


 Spiritual Money Makers are always very clear on their intentions when going after a new goal.


 And while this is a great first step, a more powerful one is to ACT as though your intentions have already manifested.


 Remember that in order to manifest your intentions into the physical world, you need to feel and sense them in your mind and body completely, then...


Step 3. "DO" Something


 Spiritual Money Makers never hesitate to take action.


 The thing is, if you're just sitting and waiting for something to happen, you aren't actively moving towards your goal, you're simply staying stagnant.


 So take steps, big or small, which will in some way get you closer to where you want to be. If you're feeling overwhelmed or don't know where to start, here's a tip... break bigger tasks into smaller ones.


 Then use your mental drive to kick-start your momentum, combine it with a positive outlook and a can-do attitude, and soon you'll notice exciting things starting to happen!


 Remember to celebrate each successful step you take by rewarding yourself along the way too! This could be as simple as splurging on a fancy coffee or buying a new pair of shoes, or as big as taking a vacation for a really big milestone!


 Not only will you feel better and happier, it will also serve to increase your certainty that you'll absolutely succeed, then...


Step 4. Be "THANKFUL" 


 Spiritual Money Makers maintain an attitude of gratitude.


 Believe it or not, this simple change in outlook will actually create even more abundance in your life because gratitude speeds up the manifestation process!


 When you're in a grateful mindset, you'll notice good things in your life, which will then help you to stay focused on the positive.


 When this happens, you send out positive vibrations to the universe and when combined with feelings of appreciation and gratitude, you function at an even higher frequency. Then, the universe can easily read the message you're sending out to it and will respond by matching your vibration.


 It's easy to get started too, just write down 3 things you're grateful for each day and you'll instantly amp up your vibration!

 Now, when you put those 4 powerful steps into practice, you'll be able to effortlessly find your path to wealth and spiritual abundance.

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Small Improvements Each Day the Woodpecker Way

Small Improvements Each Day the Woodpecker Way

You are faced with a mountain of work or just started a new project and it’s daunting. Well, think of the woodpecker? What’s he talking about you are saying?

The woodpecker is an amazing creature and by adopting the woodpecker approach we can make our lives easier at work. What do we mean by that?

Well, the woodpecker finds a tree and begins to peck away at it. Tiny shards of wood fall to the ground. Not very impressive you might think but the woodpecker doesn’t just stop there. It continues to peck..peck… peck…one bit at a time. Eventually the huge tree falls, now that’s impressive from a little bird.

Well, like the woodpecker you make a start and bit by bit all those little actions begin to add up until you find looking back that you have made a huge impact with your work, your project, your goal.

The woodpecker approach is a great method to adopt when you are overwhelmed with the size of your work load. Try not to think about that. Instead focus each day on doing your little tasks, doing something small that will help improve your ability to do the job. Even if it’s not something huge and you’ve only taken a few minutes. It’s about being consistent and chipping away, like the woodpecker.

You will find over time you build up amazing results and before you realize it you have completed what you set out to do and climbed that mountain of work and delivered it like a Pro. Small improvements bit by bit over time on a consistent basis is the key here. The Japanese call it ‘Kaizen’ and look how methodical the Japanese can be.

When faced with a large task or project it’s not something you can achieve in one go. It takes time and chipping away gets you results.

It makes sense no? Think about it with a child’s logic. A joke a child not so long ago told was about an Elephant. It went like this:-

Q. How do you eat an Elephant?

A. One bite at a time…

Well, that kid had it right. The Elephant is your job, and you are going to complete your task one bit at a time until you’ve eaten that Elephant…

Happy Eating…

Contributor:- MPD

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Public Speaking or Making a Presentation at Work

Public Speaking or making presentations at work
You are standing in the wings ready to make your presentation or on stage shaking like a leaf. You know the feeling, just before you have to make that presentation and make that public speech. Most people fear death less than public speaking can you believe? It’s true though.
It’s not a nice feeling, but sometimes it’s just part of the job and you just have to do it, make that presentation. Your palms become sweaty and your heart begins to race. This is it…Oh no, I have to deliver this presentation in front of all those people.
The question is, how are you going to deal with it? If you don’t want to flunk it and risk looking foolish.
The first thing to realize is that nerves are normal for everyone and can help heighten your delivery and performance with your presentation. What you don’t want is your presentation ruined by your nerves, making you seem like an amateur.  You want to be good and you want your career to continue on an upward trajectory.
The second thing is when you become nervous all your attention focuses on you. Worry about failure and foolishness surface and that sinking feeling grips you with fear. This means you are not focused on the presentation or the facts. After all, you are like an actor getting ready for a play.
The trick is to become concentrated on something. Doing this occupies your mind with something other than the presentation helping you to relax. Try thinking that all the people sitting waiting your delivery are in their underwear or pick someone out in the crowd you know perhaps and think about talking to them only as if you were just having a conversation.
There is no need to suffer from any kind of nerves when making a presentation if you can learn to relax.  That is the key to making a good delivery. You know you know your stuff and your boss thinks you are good enough to make this presentation. You have to believe it and relax.
Think of yourself as an actor going into a major part and treat it as fun. When your fear begins to go you will find yourself actually enjoying your presentations after that.
 Contributor: FD

Tuesday, 5 May 2015


After a death in the family I started to listen to all manner of positive thinking material including subliminal recordings to try and get my life back on a even keel. I was not ready for everything that followed. By trying to follow a dream or passion it seems I set in motion all kinds of things that I was unprepared for. By just vizualising where we want to go in life the universe brings that to us in the most convenient form and means a lot of twists and turns that we would say is not what we wished for.
I had an idea to try and make money from the internet and embarked on a course for just that thing. I did not want it to be all time consuming and spiral with costs. It turned out to be everything that I feared it would be. Perhaps my thinking was wrong but I’d given up work to make a go of it and found myself very out of pocket. Then I realized that I had manifested this experience. The pain comes with it to test our resolve.
I may not be making money from the internet but I have learned some valuable skills from the experience that might come in handy in the future. If I can take the positive from the experience then perhaps my inner self will think on things differently and I will manifest better things to come.
My point is that it is not easy so don’t give up. I read this blog and sometimes wonder why all this advice does not seem to apply to me. Now I believe it does it’s just taking time to absorb it and change my thinking.
New opportunity for work has presented itself and although it may not be what my original visualization was, it is most likely for the better for my journey.
This is not a success story but I hope it does encourage someone who is struggling with their life to realize there are others in the same struggle
Contributor: Fred D