Sunday 12 April 2015

Determination/Vision/Faith....what would you call it?

Most of you have probably seen the movie with Will Smith ‘The Pursuit of Happiness in which the leading character Chris Gardener played by Will Smith changes his down and out situation into something else because of his burning desire and vision


After a year of extreme struggle and homeless period Chris never loses sight of his desire to become a broker. Through sheer determination he completes his training against all odds and pursues wealthy people to make investments.

He comes to the attention of Gary Shamano of Bear Sterns who recognises the desire and work ethic born out of desperation that emulates the hunger to succeed. The leading character stops at nothing to succeed his dream just as described by Napoleon Hill when he talks of the need for a ‘Burning Desire’.

Fake it until you make it or in other words have the faith and the right mind set to condition your mind. Having faith in what you can already see is no faith at all, but having faith in your dream…well there is real faith!

Faith is a state of mind that you must develop. Develop faith and you will truly be on your way to you dream reality.


Martin Paul  

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