7 Crazy Mistakes We Make in the
Pursuit of Happiness
will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists
of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.”
―Albert Camus
―Albert Camus
Let’s face it. Every time you
turn around, you find new advice on being happy. Books promising to
reveal the true secret of happiness. Blog posts telling you, “Write down
three things that make you happy today.” Friends saying, “Move on!” and,
“Cheer up!” after you’ve had a bad day.
And maybe you’re wondering… what’s
wrong with that?
Happiness is a good thing
right? Well, yes. Of course it is.
But we are being taught that our
lives should be a straight and narrow path toward happiness.
We are taught that we should strive
for happiness, and happiness alone in everything we do.
And that if we’re not always feeling
happy, then something is terribly wrong.
The truth is, happiness should not
be our only focus, and continuously striving for it, to the detriment of
everything else, can actually cause us to make lots of mistakes. Here are
seven such mistakes, and how to fix them:
We view setbacks and growing pains as failures.
When we actively pursue happiness,
anything that makes us feel unhappy can seem like a failure – such as a simple
setback or challenging moment – when in reality these things are unavoidable,
normal parts of personal growth. Sometimes it’s just easier to feel
depressed and trapped by these experiences and let them get the best of us.
Think about a time in your life when
you faced a challenge. Maybe you lost your job, were betrayed by a
friend, or got rejected by a loved one. How did you respond to
this? Did you feel like a victim, or did you embrace it as an opportunity
to grow as a person and learn something valuable?
If you’re like most people
(including myself), you probably struggled to have a positive attitude at the
time, and the situation was probably incredibly hard to deal with.
And the truth is, challenges are
never easy.
However, setbacks and challenging moments
in life are also opportunities in disguise for something bigger and
better. If we can learn to appreciate and embrace them equally to the
moments that make us feel happy, we can more easily see the light in our
darkest moments, push through these difficult times and make the most of
every opportunity to heal and grow.
We get addicted to short-term, quick fixes of pleasure.
In our impatience to find happiness,
we often seek pleasure instead because it’s easier to achieve in the
This can cause us to rely on
pleasurable experiences in an unhealthy way. For example, we might
actually find ourselves feeling anxious if we don’t have anything to look
forward to, such as an exciting vacation in the near future.
But relying on pleasurable experiences
as a means to happiness will only leave us always wanting more – much like a
drug where we become an addict to our next fix. Because pleasure is short lived
and offers no sense of deep fulfillment.
“The pleasure-centered person, too
soon bored with each succeeding level of “fun”, constantly cries for more and
more. So the next new pleasure has to be bigger and better, more
exciting, with a bigger “high.”
―Steven Covey
―Steven Covey
Long-lasting happiness is not found
in quick doses of pleasure, but rather through meaningful experiences over
time, such as nurturing a passion, overcoming hardships, learning new life
skills, and making a difference by enriching the lives of others. (Read
The How of Happiness

We neglect the amazing people around us.
Deliberately striving for happiness
can also lead us to be self-centered – “I want happiness and I want it now!” –
instead of achieving happiness over time through meaningful experiences and
service to a greater cause.
In this case, where the focus is
only on today’s must-have dose of happiness, we become more of a taker rather
than a giver. We focus all of our attention on ourselves – me, me, me –
so our immediate desires are more easily met, instead of considering new ways
to make a rewarding, lasting difference in our lives and the lives around
us. We prioritize our pursuit over all the people – family, friends and
strangers – who need us.
The truth is, making a difference by
giving to others is actually one of the greatest ways that we can find happiness.
There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people
up. It gives us a greater sense of meaning, purpose and fulfillment and
often makes us feel much more content with our lives and who we are as
“If you want happiness for an hour –
take a nap. If you want happiness for a day – go fishing. If you
want happiness for a month – get married. If you want happiness for a
year – inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime – help others.”
―Chinese proverb
―Chinese proverb
We let our expectations sap the joy out of genuine experiences.
Think about a time when you were
looking forward to something. Maybe it was as simple as a nice walk on
the beach with your partner, or perhaps a vacation you had been planning.
When the time finally came, did you
find yourself getting completely lost in the experience and having a great
time, or were you scatter-brained with expectations of how the experience was
“supposed to be,” and thus subconsciously feeling somewhat disappointed?
Too often we become so determined to
feel happy in a certain way, that we end up focusing too much on whether an
experience is meeting our expectations.
But studies show that people who do
certain activities with a specific set of expectations, or who monitor how much
they are enjoying themselves every step of the way, end up actually enjoying
themselves less than those who simply let go and focus on immersing themselves
in the experience.
Rather than striving for happiness
through the expectation of how things should be, try to accept whatever
experiences come your way. That way, you’ll be able to appreciate and
more easily notice all the positive things around you as opposed to feeling
disappointed when things don’t measure up to fantasies.
We give up amazing opportunities that require temporary discomfort.
Think about a time in your life when
you went through a tough but rewarding experience.
Perhaps you took on a challenging
project. Do you remember feeling a great sense of anxiety telling you
that you would fail, but you didn’t?
And as a result, not only did you
achieve something amazing, you also opened up an array of new opportunities for
yourself, became a little bit wiser, and gained a greater sense of
Well, it just shows us that if we
want to discover new and interesting opportunities in life, it’s not possible
to feel happy every moment along the way. A little discomfort is
necessary medicine. As they say, opportunity is missed by most people
simply because it’s dressed in overalls and looks like hard work. Don’t
be one of these people. (Read The Last Lecture

We look for happiness in the wrong places.
A 24/7 obsession with finding
happiness can cause us to focus on the wrong things, because we’re often poor
judges of what will make us happy.
For example, we might think that
buying a new house, being popular and having a certain amount of money will
make us happy, so we strive relentlessly for them, but in reality, when we
finally get these things, we still feel like something is missing.
It’s the old “I’ll be happy when
I’ve got X” syndrome. Except when you get X, you realize it’s not
everything you expected. It never is.
Does this sound familiar to you?
Perhaps it’s because we are
constantly being sent messages from society and popular media telling us that
X, Y & Z will make us happy. We hear, “If you’re slim you’ll be
happy,” or, “If you have the latest technology you’ll be happy,” or, “If you’re
rich or popular you’ll be happy.” And because we’re so obsessed with
finding happiness, we buy into it.
The truth is, these things don’t
lead to a deep sense of happiness, and we’re often poor judges by believing
they will. True happiness comes from within yourself, not from something
or someone else. Don’t make the mistake of waiting on something or
someone to come along and make you happy.
We tie our happiness to the futile idea of perfection.
Oftentimes, when we strive for
happiness, what we are really aiming for is to feel perfect.
But perfection is an illusion.
We are beautifully imperfect beings,
operating in a very imperfect world, and that is just the way it’s meant to
be. Striving for perfection is a hollow goal, one that can never be
Society shows us doctored images of
perfection constantly in marketing and popular media. Do not buy into
this illusion; it will only lead you into darkness. Embrace your quirks,
your flaws and the fact that life is a roller coaster at times. Strive
for excellence, have high standards… but never confuse that with the crippling
behavior of perfectionism.
Rather than striving to be perfect,
embrace and appreciate all the beautiful, natural imperfections of life, and
use these things to grow stronger, wiser, and more whole as an
individual. (Marc and Angel discuss this in detail in the “Self-Love”
chapter of 1,000 Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently.)
secret to a fulfilling life is wholeness, not happiness
Pursuing wholeness comes down to
accepting and embracing all aspects of life – sadness, frustration, pain,
failure and happiness, as well as realizing that all these things are equally
as important for a balanced, fulfilling and truly happy experience.
It’s about understanding that life
is not just a bowl of cherries, and that in order to grow and learn, we rely on
the harsh realities of life.
In fact, even though it’s hard, we
need to be grateful for these things.
Rather than trying to hide from
adversities, we need to embrace them…
Because we know that they will make
us stronger, more passionate, motivated, versatile, confident, resilient,
capable and ultimately more whole as individuals – as well as adding more
meaning and deeper fulfillment to our lives.
“Everyone says we grow through pain
and as soon as they experience it they say, ‘Quick! Move on! Cheer
up!’ Wholeness is what we ought to be striving for and part of that is
sadness, disappointment, frustration, failure; all those things which make us
who we are.”
―Hugh Mackay
―Hugh Mackay
to strive for wholeness
In order to get the most out of your
pursuit for wholeness, the following are some key things to do in your daily
- Embrace rather than avoid life’s adversities.
Laugh at your mistakes and learn from them. Joke about your troubles
and gather strength from them. Have fun with the challenges you face
and then conquer them.
- Rather than shutting out or suppressing negative
emotions, allow yourself to really feel them, so you can deal with
them. Take full, unhindered control of your emotions, so your
emotions do not control you behind your back.
- Find peace with yourself and your past. Rather
than remaining angry or hurt throughout your life, choose to forgive
yourself and others, and try to actually appreciate the experiences for
what they have taught you.
- Proactively identify knowledge gaps in your life
experience and take steps to fill them, even if it requires you to stretch
your comfort zone.
- Shift some of your attention away from what you want,
and refocus it on what others need.
you choose wholeness over happiness?
When you choose to actively seek
wholeness, your life will feel much more fulfilling.
You will feel more satisfied and
happy with your life, because rather than feeling burdened by life’s
challenges, you will be on a constant journey of growth and discovery.
Everything, good or bad, will move you forward.
Instead of feeling like a victim in
life, you will be able to appreciate and value everything that comes your way. After all, you’re not a victim. You’re a strong
human being. You have an interesting life, and it is magnificent.
Keep this in mind, and live it accordingly.
And while you’re out there doing
your thing, you will also learn to love, accept and understand yourself better
as you learn to overcome the brokenness inside you.
I challenge you to choose wholeness
from today onward.
The next time you feel sad or
disappointed, don’t try to shut it out or distract yourself from it.
Instead, accept it as who you are, be okay with it and allow it to add new
layers of understanding and awareness to your life.
What else would you add to this
list? What mistakes have you made in the pursuit of happiness? How
have you coped? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts and
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