Who in the world loves mistakes?
We all strive for perfection and wear it almost like a badge to show our standards.
But then again who can stand perfectionists?
Who is perfect?
There would be an element of boring and predictability if we were perfect don’t you think? Anyway, how long does it take for those perect people to ever actually do anything if perfection is the goal? Because perfect does not exist
This is the lie we have all been fed since being kids (practice makes perfect). Everyone from teachers to employers tell us it must be perfect. Even your spouse will tell you that you must be a perfect person or they will be unhappy.
Well, consider this. Is the Mona Lisa or the Space Shuttle perfect?
Some might argue yes until they look closely at the painters brush strokes under a microscope or see the engineering flaws or compromise taken. In the case of the painting is it not the imperfection that give the painting character?
The painting is a conundrum, a mystery. Is it male or female? Is there a hidden message? But is it the perfect woman?
It’s imperfections that make things different and unique and make it stand out from the crowd.
Great people make mistakes all the time. However, each mistake is an opportunity to see things from a different perspective or angle. An opportunity to make changes for the better in our endeavours.
Think of the inventor who ran out of time or money and had to become creative or improvise to get an end result. Does that mean it was perfect? Of course not. Great inventions are being improved upon daily.
You know what? Some of the greatest inventions in history have been mistakes. Penicillin for one…
So, who do you know who is perfect or ever was perfect in the past? (Excepting Jesus…)
Nope…Didn’t think so
However, those brave enough to allow their flaws and imperfections to be seen and judged is what makes them great and gets our respect.
Well, in that case why not just go for doing your utmost best warts and all and embrace your imperfections and mistakes. You are a gold mine of ideas and inspiration if you just allow yourself that space.
Think about that and
make a start…