Sunday, 17 July 2016


How many times have you been told you should be satisfied with what you have?

In schools, churches, homes all over the place people tell us this because there are people less fortunate than us.

Well, that's true there are always people less fortunate than us and we should be grateful for what we have and happy. However satisfaction is something else. It's not wrong to be dissatisfied it is  a normal state.

Dissatisfaction urges us to be more creative and to grow. It is the force that has you reaching that bit further to improve our lives. Otherwise why do we get out of bed another day?

Sportsmen and women are continually striving to be better. Artists strive to paint more, Musicians strive to make more hit songs.

Of course the high earners want to earn more but it's not all just about money and the acquisition of it. It really is all about growth and being the best you can be.

Obtaining things is all fine but your goals should see you grow and become alive as God/The Universe or whatever name you want to put on it intended.

We were meant to be the best we can be without violating the rights of others.

Think on that....

A great book to read that I recently purchased was by Bob Proctor called 'The Art of Living' well worth a read and talks about just this sort of things.

We are spiritual beings in a physical body and we tend to ignore that.
